Sunday, September 30, 2012

How Does ATT UVerse Coupon Codes Compare to Other Promo Codes?

With so many broadband promotional codes available, why should you choose ATT UVerse coupon codes over any other broadband promo code? The fact is you should only choose ATT UVerse if that is the company you really want and that is the carrier you wish to commit to using.

When you break it down, Verizon and AT&T are pretty much the same, price wise. There are some differences in packages and what they offer. The big difference will be in availability.

Let's take a look:

AT&T UVerse vs Verizon FiOS Price Comparison

Both AT&T and Verizon offer a Double Play and a Triple Play promotional code. They both will include television, telephone, and fiber optic Internet service. The prices vary slightly for the Triple Play with the edge to Verizon giving you a cheaper price and a no commitment option. However, for the Double Play AT&T gets the edge with a much cheaper price as well as a no commitment option.
  • AT&T UVerse Triple Play costs $89 a month and is valid for two years with a one year contract.
  • Verizon's Triple Play costs $84.99 a month and is valid for one year with no commitment required.
  • AT&T Double Play costs $59 a month with no term contract required.
  • Verizon Double Play costs $79.99 a month with no term contract required.

AT&T vs Verizon Internet Comparison

Since both AT&T and Verizon both offer fiber optic Internet service, this would be splitting hairs. Who is faster will depend greatly on who is testing and when. They both will give you top speeds and fast service.

AT&T vs Verizon Television Comparison

AT&T UVerse has a definite edge over Verizon in this category. AT&T UVerse uses Internet Protocol Television. This is truly digital television. It means AT&T will have the clearer picture and will give you better results.

Verizon is not wimping out on you. When you sign up for their package, you will get video on demand. However, this does not take full advantage of the fiber optic possibilities. Thus, the advantage goes to AT&T UVerse.

AT&T vs Verizon Telephone Comparison

Both AT&T and Verizon both come with a battery backup, which is nice because if power goes out in your house you will want to use your phone. The battery is supposed to last eight hours with continuous use and more with regular use.

They both have the features you expect with premium service:
  • Caller ID on TV
  • Message Waiting
  • Indicator on TV
  • Voicemail
  • Call Waiting
  • Three-Way Calling
  • Call Forwarding
  • Call Waiting ID
  • Call Screening
  • Caller ID Block
  • Do Not Disturb
AT&T UVerse vs Verizon Availability

This is going to be the real deal breaker for most people. Very few people will have the option to pick either AT&T UVerse or Verizon FiOS. In most cases, if you have one, then you won't have the other in the area. If you are lucky enough to have both, then consider yourself fortunate and choose whichever you feel most comfortable.

Overall AT&T UVerse is right on track with all the other broadband services. Therefore, you can feel comfortable choosing any AT&T promo code. Check out the AT&T Uverse coupon codes and experience a faster Internet today.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Verizon FiOS Promotion Code has Costumers Browsing at the Speed of Light

Everyone is looking for the latest Verizon FiOS promotion code and that is great. But before you jump on the fiber optic bandwagon, here are six fun facts about fiber optics.

#1 Fiber Optics is Thinner than Cable and DSL

Fiber is smaller and thinner than traditional copper wire. This means fewer blockages and more service. It is hard to explain how small the fiber is, but the IT people are considering replacing transistors.

#2 Fiber Optics is More Secure

In a day and age where everyone is worried about security, fiber optic does increase security. Whether or not this will have you dashing for the Verizon promotional codes is another issue altogether, but there are tangible security increases using fiber optics.

Currently, it is just plain easier for hackers to tap into electrical (copper) wires than it is to tap into fiber optic wires. This makes data transfer on fiber optics more secure.

#3 Fiber Optics use Less Energy

Metal wiring degrades over time. No matter what you do to it, copper can only handle so much electricity. Additionally, copper wiring loses data as it travels. No matter how much data compression you use, some data will be lost. It can't be helped. This just does not happen with FiOS. All a company has to do to make it better is simply upgrade the equipment at both ends of the line and it starts working again. Very simple.

#4 FiOS is a Greener Alternative

Verizon FiOS is a greener alternative to traditional high speed Internet. To put it simply, imagine the amount of electricity it takes to send an e-mail from New York all the way to California. Picture an electrical current running all the way hitting multiple servers along the way. Now, picture a flash of light making the same run. Not only is the light quicker, it is uses lesser energy and thus a lower "carbon footprint."

#5 FiOS is NOT Affected by the Weather

If you are like most people, then you have noticed your internet can be flaky during an electrical storm. This is because traditional high speed internet uses copper wires to transfer data and it uses electricity to do so. However, FiOS uses fiber optic cables and light, neither of which is affected by the weather. While they are not immune to everything, they are a lot more stable than traditional Internet.

#6 FiOS is Just Plain Faster

Verizon FiOS uses fiber optic technology to run their fastest Internet ever. As mentioned in other fun facts, FiOS uses light to make this happen. It is the use of light through the fiber optic cables which makes Verizon FiOS the fastest (along with AT&T UVerse who also uses fiber optics) Internet available.

How much faster is Verizon FiOS than traditional high speed Internet? The current record is 15.5 Terabits per second over a distance of 7,000 km. For all you non-geeks, it is like comparing dial-up to DSL.

Now that you know all about fiber optics, you can make an informed decision. Find the best Verizon FiOS promotion code and start browsing the Web at the speed of light today.